Monday, December 19, 2011

Letter from the President

The end of the year drains away like sand in an hourglass.  It's hard to think past the all-encompassing holidays, but there is life beyond December.  First and foremost, the annual ACGA Board Retreat has been scheduled for Saturday, January 7, from 10 am to 4 pm in Oakland.  Please see retreat details in this newsletter to get more details.  The retreat is a great opportunity to meet and mingle with your ACGA colleagues, discuss important issues affecting the membership, and also, get a free lunch.  I just love free lunch.

A good retreat is a lively retreat with a full house, so I invite all members, exhibiting and associate, to attend and contribute their ideas and thoughts.  ACGA is a volunteer organization, and we cannot improve or make the ACGA more relevant to you life if we don't know what you're thinking.  So don't be shy!  Some topics on this year's roster will cover membership development through schools and workshops, online marketing and media, and creating a Bay Area wide open studio tour of member studios.  Do any of these topics get you thinking or perk your interest?  If so, be sure to RSVP, bring your notebook and pen, and prepare to participate!

I wish everyone a sane and pleasant holiday, and a very happy new year.
